Believe Them When They Tell You Who They Are
Welcome to Open Late, your go-to podcast where we unveil the intricacies of love and dive deep into the word of relationship co-dependency.
Open Late
Published 10 January 2024
Open Late / W!ZARD Studios

Welcome to Open Late, your go-to podcast where we unveil the intricacies of love and dive deep into the word of relationship co-dependency. Join Drea as she shares her personal experiences with love and bring on couples who have navigated the complexities of relationships in the modern word. We are not just talking about love, though, we are diving deep into the psychology of relationships…

In this Episode of Open Late, Drea discusses the importance of believing people when they tell you who they are. She emphasizes the need to pay attention to red flags and not make excuses for someone's behaviour. This principle applies not only to romantic relationships but also to friendships and family dynamics.

Drea encourages listeners to cut toxic people out of their lives and surround themselves with supportive friends. By choosing their circle wisely, individuals can create healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

In this episode of Open Late:

> The Temptation to Change Someone
> Recognizing Red Flags in Relationships
> Choosing Your Circle Wisely
> Believing People When They Show You Who They Are

Connect with Drea:
Instagram: @thedrearenee | @openlatethepodcast
Website: |
YouTube: Open Late Podcast

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