Internet Culture
Breaking Beauty | Anti-Aging Skin Commandments With Caroline Hirons
Longtime beauty editors Jill Dunn and Carlene Higgins are here to tell you what’s good, uncovering the breakthrough people, products and moments in beauty – every single Wednesday!
Carlene Higgins and Jill Dunn
Published 19 May 2021
Breaking Beauty

Tune in to hear inspiring stories behind the most iconic, best-selling beauty products and how they came to be, straight from the founders themselves. Plus, get insights and tips from the brilliant minds shaping today’s trends and ideas. With #damngood beauty product reviews – skincare, haircare and makeup and more – you won’t want to buy a thing before tuning in.

Hands up if you want youthful skin for as long as you can?! (Everybody, we know.)

Notorious for her No-B.S. skincare advice, Caroline Hirons is here to spill the tea. The long-time YouTuber and blogger has trained in more than 100 beauty brands, creating bespoke facials and educating teams internationally for top-tier beauty companies around the world.

Caroline has also written a best-selling book, simply titled “Skincare”, and most recently, Caroline founded “Beauty Backed", a U.K.-based organization helping salons and spas get back on their feet after the pandemic.

Today, Caroline is sharing her top age-well skin tips, including the advice she wishes she told her younger self. Plus, the skin guru debunks some of the biggest myths going in the beauty industry when it comes to blue light and your skin, neck creams, whether luxury skincare is actually worth the big bucks, and egads!

She even shares why she is not necessarily a fan of the 60-second cleansing rule. Plus, stay tuned to find out why Caroline Hirons is leaving the YouTube game and - plot twist!- could she be starting her own podcast??? Well, if it’s good enough for the Royal Couple…

For any products or links mentioned in this episode, check out our blog:

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