Interview with Drug Store Romeos
Rhiannon Nevada sits down with bassist Sarah to talk about their latest single, interesting instruments and a potential merch release.
Rhiannon Nevada
Published 22 December 2020
Drug Store Romeos

Drug Store Romeos are a three-piece band full of psychedelic and dreamy vibes. Through-out lockdown, they have been busy working 14-hour days to record their upcoming album. It consisted of a lot of hard work but also a lot of juice (the drink).

Consisting ofJonny, Charlie and Sarah (all from Fleet, a small town in Hampshire), despite living five minutes away from each other they all only met at college 15 years later. When Chalie and Jonny wanted to start something fresh from their previous punk band. They posted on the Facebook forum for the college looking for a bass player. Even though Sarah didn’t play bass and “wasn’t sure” about reaching out. She managed to fake it until she made it.

Their latest single, "Jim, Let's Play" is a pivotal song for the band, and was created through improvisation. Sarah cut up lots of words out of magazines and formed “Jim, Let’s Play” on the page. For Sarah it “creates more interesting meanings” creating lyrics of songs this way. It even scored them a play on the “Bloom” playlist of Spotify, which they were the face of too.

2021 is set to be busy for Drug Store Romeos, following the buzz generated in 2020, with festival appearances (fingers crossed!) and a UK tour set for February.

Rhiannon Nevada sat down with Sarah to talk about their latest single, interesting instruments and a potential merch release.

Broadcasted exclusively worldwide on W!ZARD Radio Station.

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